Wechsler IQ Test Score Chart

What is Wechsler IQ test?

Wechsler IQ test is a test for calculating intellectual skills and the level of intelligence. This test developed gradually, and Dr. David Wechsler invented it in 1939. This test was first called the Wechsler Bellevue intelligence scale; then, the name was updated after 15 years to the Wechsler adult intelligence scale. (WAIS)

Dr. Wechsler believed that the current intelligence tests for adults were just a modified version of the test used for children and not accurate enough for adults. The test evolved into three different categories for different age groups. 

The WAIS is used for adults, and WISC is used for children 6-16 years old. Moreover, WPPSI (Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence) was used for children between 4 and 6.5 years old.

Psychologists use WISC for cases with cognitive disabilities to recognize the lowest level of someone’s knowledge.

The main goal of the Wechsler IQ test

The test’s main purpose is to acknowledge intellectual achievements and intelligence levels. The test result can be beneficial in identifying learning disabilities and evaluating general intelligent performances in children and adults.

The specified range of scores for this test is between 0 to 160. Someone who can gain a score between 90 to 109 is believed to have an average IQ. If someone gets a score of 130 or higher, they will be regarded as highly intelligent. The test is divided into a scale of primary and additional indexes.

Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence

The WPPSI calculates the intelligence and intellectual growth level. The test was first invented for children between 4 and 6.5 years old, although some sub-tests were also accurate for children between the ages of 2.5 and 7.5. Children younger than four acquire their scores through 3 different tests:

  • Verbal understanding
  • Visual Clearance,
  • Working Memory.

For children older than four years old in the same range, their IQ score is calculated based on the following indicators:

  • Verbal understanding 
  • Visual Clearance
  • Abstract Reasoning
  • Working Memory,
  • Processing Speed.

Wechsler intelligence scale for children

The standard WISC test will take about 45-65 minutes, but it might take more or less considering the selected process and the number of implicated tests. These tests create an IQ score (known as Full-Scale IQ) in children between 6 to 16 years old.

Wechsler IQ score scale

Such as with other Wechsler tests, WISC also uses four indicators for calculating children’s intellectual abilities: the verbal understanding index, the Visual Clearance index, the Abstract Reasoning index, the Working Memory index, and the Processing speed index.

Below is the standard score for Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children.

Score Range                                      What to Expect
Low Average: 80-89.Students with this score range e may have difficulties in school but don’t need special education or assistance.
Borderline: 70-79.Students with this score range might have problems in school and usually need help.
ModeratelGifted: 130-145.Students with this score range are relatively gifted and do not typically have difficulties in school.
Highly Gifted: 146-159.Students with this score are high/extraordinarily talented and do not usually have problems in school.
High Average: 110-119.Students with these scores are high average and do not typically have difficulties in school.
Average: 90-109.Students with this score are average and may or may not have problems in school.
Above Average: 120-129.Students with these scores are above average and do not usually have any difficulties in school.


Many countries use this test after some modifications. The IQ test developed and adjusted itself to different cultures. The fourth version of this test came around in 2008; since then, it has been used more than any other version.

The standard IQ score is between 85 to 115, and about 70% of people are counted in this range of scores. The original test is extended and can be difficult for children or adults to bear until the end. Therefore, experts are using a shortened version.

This new version only takes less than 30 minutes. Some experts also use other IQ tests, but the Wechsler test is still the most accurate and used worldwide. Even people not in contact with a clinician or psychologist can try this test.

There are online versions similar to the original version, and you can try them. Many tasks can calculate someone’s intelligence. Still, only a few of them are historically significant and were able to evolve.

Dr. Wechsler devoted his life to studying the human brain, and the next generations still use his test and research as a guide for diagnosing diseases. He was a universal name when he was alive, and he still is even after his death. He died at the age of 85 on May 2, 1981. 

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