Emotional Vibration Chart: A Comprehensive Guide

Have you ever felt “low” when breaking up with someone? Did you feel like “flying” the first time you were on a date with someone you like?

This is true! The ups and downs of our emotions are real. Some of them actually carry heavier weights, while others feel lighter!

These emotional ups and downs are called emotional vibrations. It is a mechanism that shows how light or strong each feeling is!

Today, we’re going to know all about it! We’re also going to learn how to use an emotional vibration chart as a tool to maintain happiness!

Let’s see what’s all this about!

The World of Emotional Frequency and Vibrations

According to previous studies, emotions have measurable frequencies that affect how people experience and interact with the world.

What is the emotional frequency?

emotional frequency

Think of emotional frequencies as energies related to our emotions and feelings. Think of your emotions as waves, each characterized by a specific frequency. Yes, they do work this way!

Emotions come with really different frequencies! They even have a chart that shows where each feeling stands. The higher the feeling, the more positive it tends to be!

So, if you’ve asked yourself for a long time: “How to keep my energy positive”? Here’s how!

Some frequencies are high, light, and elevated, while others are low and can feel heavy or limiting. Understanding these frequencies provides valuable insight into our emotional well-being.

Let’s see where each feeling belongs in the chart!

High vibration

The most vibrational emotions like joy, love, and happiness are seen among the high-vibration feelings!

These emotions hit us strongly and often fill us with energy and positivity. This is why you feel better when you’re happy, you’re more productive, and even your skin glows!

Acknowledging higher vibrational emotions can lead to greater satisfaction and alignment with our own personality.

Low vibration

low vibration

The more vibrational emotions like fear, anger, and sadness, are those heavy feelings that make you eat more, want to sleep in, and be unmotivated for basically anything!

These feelings are at the lowest part of the frequency chart, and can sometimes make you feel numb or overwhelmed.

Explaining the emotional vibration pattern

This chart acts as a visual guide that helps us optimize our emotional state, increasing awareness, clarity, and even guidance on how to adjust our emotions as needed.

Knowing about this chart makes getting help and identifying our emotions easier. 

Myth and the science of vibration

myths and science of vibration

Emotional vibrations may seem mystical to some, but they are deeply rooted in philosophy and science. Let’s break some myths and explore the real science behind it.


Emotional vibration is a new-age concept with no scientific basis.


Emotions are energies, and like all energies, they have frequencies.

Research in areas such as psychology and neuroscience supports the idea that different emotional states have different physiological effects.


Emotional vibrations are stable and unchanging.


Emotional vibrations are dynamic and subject to change.

We can direct and even manipulate our emotional vibrations through intentional practices such as meditation or mindfulness through awareness.

Understanding and using emotional vibration patterns

Taking a look at some influencer thinkers and how they think about emotional vibration can be very helpful in understanding them.

In this article, we will examine three outstanding contributors to this project.

Emotional Guidance Scale by Leading Thinkers

Emotional Guidance Scale

Leading thinkers have contributed to the development and understanding of the emotional guidance scale.

Dr. David R. Hawkins

He was a renowned psychotherapist and spiritual teacher who created “the map of consciousness”. You may have heard of it!

Like an emotional vibration chart, this map classifies emotional states according to frequency.

According to Hawkins, emotions such as love and happiness vibrate more, while shame and guilt are at the lower levels.

Abraham Hicks

Esther and Abraham Hicks are best known for their teachings on the Law of Attraction.

They introduced the “emotional orientation scale”, which is more consistent with the concept of emotional vibration regulation.

This scale guides individuals to understand their emotions and how they process life experiences.

Connecting with emotions and understanding their vibrational nature can consciously lead to a better and more fulfilling life experience.

Practical methods of vibration

emotional vibration methods

Learning about the Emotional Vibration System is just the beginning, but applying it to your daily life is where real change can happen. 

So unless we know how to use it, it can’t be much of a help!

Taking this to your everyday life helps you experience positive changes in your well-being, relationships, and life experiences.

A 7-Day Program for Increasing Vibration

Here is a daily routine to improve your emotional vibration. Make sure to use it in your everyday life. Following the 7-day program helps you keep it as a habit with you:

The first day

Focus on gratitude! Start the week by making a list of things you are grateful for. Gratitude sets a high vibrational tone and opens the door to positive emotions.

The second day

Meditation and Mindfulness are necessary!

Be mindful of your breath and body sensations and take time to think. This process helps you be in your emotional state and align with a higher vibration.

The Third day

Get in a creative activity you know, or learn one!

Whether it’s painting, writing, or dancing, expressing yourself creatively puts you in touch with a wide range of emotions that appeal to you.

The Fourth day

Go find Mother Nature!

If you can’t go on a camping trip in pure nature, spend time outdoors. The natural world is a great vibrational force that can help you feel grounded and energized.

The Fifth day

Be kind today! Do small acts of kindness. Giving to others raises your vibration and spreads positivity.

The sixth day

Try to see everything, even your own accomplishments today! Use positive affirmations and visualize your desired emotional state.

These actions can change your vibration to suit your goals.

The Final day


Look back at the week and celebrate your progress.

Reflecting on your emotional journey reinforces positive changes in your vibration and allows for continued growth.

How to use emotional vibration completely

emotional vibration mood

Understanding and applying emotional vibration completely can enhance one’s well-being and life experiences.

Using your five senses

Our emotions are not just abstract feelings; They communicate with our physical experience through our five senses. Here’s how to do it:


Visuals can trigger certain emotional vibrations. For example, a beautiful sunset reminds you of the feelings of peace and happiness.



Words and music can have a great effect on our emotions. Happy and upbeat music can raise our vibes, while slower music can have a calming effect.

Some studies prove that classical music enhances focus!

So, if you need to feel energized and focused during an exam or interview, go for some Bach!


Physical touch, like a warm hug or touching some soft clothes can affect our emotions. For example, hugging your baby fills your heart with the feeling of love and warmth.


Different flavors can bring out different emotions with them. This is why a hot soup feels comforting, and a sweet chocolate ice cream makes us feel like we’re the happiest person on earth!



Have you ever smelled something and traveled through time all of a sudden?

Everyone knows that smell is connected to memory and emotion. The smell of familiar spices or freshly baked bread can bring out feelings of happiness and warmth.

Keeping the Emotional Balance

If you feel like you’re at the bottom of the emotional chart, you can move on it by following some techniques. Let’s take a look at some of them!

Know your feelings

Do you feel nervous, excited, or frustrated? You should know how you exactly feel and which describes your mood the best. 

Sometimes, feeling anxious is near being mad! Can you distinguish between them?

Well, you should! Expressing your feelings is the first step. 

Don’t ignore your feelings and admit them. This way, you’ll know if you need to change anything. Understanding the triggers and reasons can be easier to you and your therapist, too.

Engage in Activities that Boost Your Good Feelings

engage in activities you like

If you want to move up the scale, consciously choose to engage in activities, meditations, or actions that align with higher vibration.

Take gradual steps

Moving up the emotional scale is usually a gradual process. Take small, deliberate steps that match the higher vibrations.

Don’t lose patience just yet, please!

Get involved 

Like any skill, it takes practice to find the balance and to rise above the emotional side.

Engage in an emotional vibration program regularly; You will discover valuable tools for personal growth and happiness.

Tools and Equipment For Moving Up

You can move up the chart faster and feel better with the right tools and materials.

Whether you are new to this concept or looking to deepen your practice, here are some useful tools to guide you:


Having a visual guide that you can fill out and refer to helps you track your emotional progress, set goals, and reflect on your experiences.

You can find various printables online or create your own to suit your needs.



Stay on that Savasana!

Meditation is a powerful tool for tuning into your emotional vibrations. Guided meditations focusing on emotional well-being, mindfulness, and self-compassion can be particularly beneficial.

Many apps, websites, and books offer guided practices tailored to your mood. Go on and use them!

Essential oils

Essential oils can be a lovely way to get in touch with your emotions through smell. If you haven’t tried this yet, we’re sure you’re going to love it!

Each essential oil heightens one or two feelings, so you can just use them to raise the feelings you want.

For example, lavender may be calming, while citrus oil can be uplifting. Using essential oils in daily routines can support emotional balance and harmony.

Sound therapy

sound therapy

Techniques like sound baths, binaural blowing, or musical bowls, help the sound vibrations to match and heighten your emotional state.

A certain frequency of listening or engaging in sound therapy can have a strong connection with your emotional vibration.

Supportive community members

Finding a community, in person or online, that shares a passion for emotional vibration can be incredibly powerful.

Finding like-minded individuals provides support, inspiration, and the opportunity to learn from the experiences of others.

How emotional vibration affects relationships

emotional vibration and relationship

Emotional vibrations play an important role in shaping our relationships with ourselves and others.

Here’s how to do it:

Understanding of self and others

By paying attention to our emotional vibrations, we become more aware of our own emotions and can better understand the emotions of others. This insight creates empathy, compassion, and deep connection.

Conflict resolution

Understanding how emotions vibrate can guide us to resolve conflict better.

When we notice ourselves or others working from lower vibrational emotions like anger or fear, we can consciously choose to move toward understanding and rehabilitation.

increased communication

Higher vibrational emotions such as love, joy, and gratitude enrich our relationships with others. By focusing on these feelings, we can create more meaningful and fulfilling relationships.

Building Boundaries

Understanding emotional vibrations helps us determine what feels good and what doesn’t, and helps create healthy emotional boundaries.

Frequently asked questions

How important is emotional vibration?

Emotional vibration is very important because it helps us understand and manage our emotional state. Understanding the vibrations of emotions allows us to make more conscious choices and build meaningful relationships.

How do I know if I’m in a high or low-vibration state?

Find your vibrational state by observing how you feel. High vibrational states generally feel joyful, loving, and expansive, while high vibrational states feel heavy, intimidating, or cramped.

What is a common misunderstanding of emotional frequency?

Many believe that low emotional vibrationa is a “bad” thing. This is not true. Each feeling has its own values, and tells us what we need and what needs our further attention.

What is the relationship between spirituality and emotional vibration?

Spiritual vibration means a connection to a universal energy. It doesn’t focus on individuals. But, emotional vibration is all about individual feelings. Both of these concepts are related, though they’re not the same thing.

Could changing emotional frequency affect my overall well-being?

Yes, it can have a great effect on your mental, emotional, and physical well-being. It helps you do better when it comes to stress management, positive thinking, and overall happiness, too! It seems like a complete mental health journey.


Now, tell us, where do you stand in the chart right now? 

Hope you’re feeling happy to learn new things!

We talked about how this vibration interacts with our five senses, impacts our relationships, and affects personal growth.

Various tools, practical techniques, and misconceptions were discussed while acquiring a comprehensive guide to the use of rational and emotional vibration.

Understanding emotional vibration is not just a mental exercise but a personal quest. We encourage you to:

Try Tools! Try different tools like meditation, sound therapy, or printables to see what resonates with you.

Think about your feelings! Recognize the vibrations of your emotions and always acknowledge how you feel.

Engage with Support! Seek out communities or professionals that can support your journey.

Practice Compassion! Embrace all emotional vibrations, knowing that they offer valuable insights and opportunities for growth.

So, keep love, friendship, and success around you to keep up your emotional frequency, and if someday you feel it’s down, don’t worry! A meditation, a piece of soothing music, and engaging with people you love can bounce it up again in no time!

Great hack, huh? Try using it in real life next time you feel under the blue, and let us know if these techniques worked for you!

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