The Average IQ By University

What factors do you think are needed for students to enter top universities? Do you think a great college grade would be enough?

Yes, that may be a correct answer, but there are many other factors that universities consider before accepting candidates.

One of them is IQ scores, which give important insights into students’ intelligence and skills that help universities make informed decisions.

We are here to discuss IQ and its average level among university students. So, keep reading if you are interested!

What Is IQ and How Is It Measured?

What Is IQ and How Is It Measured?

You may have heard about IQ before and have taken some online quizzes that promised to tell how smart you are compared to Albert Einstein.

But, what is it exactly? And how is it measured?

IQ stands for Intelligent Quotient and is a measure of an individual’s reasoning ability. In other words, IQ tests are designed to gauge how well individuals can use their information and answer questions.

A standard IQ test is well-structured and is backed by professional assessment designers.

Besides, remember, if you really want to measure your own or someone else’s IQ level, you need an actual and valid reason to take this test.

IQ scores are obtained from standard IQ tests, which assess a person’s intelligence quotient by evaluating their short and long-term memory.

These tests also assess how well candidates can solve a puzzle or recall old information to solve problems.

The IQ Scores Ranges

The IQ Scores Ranges

The IQ scale is from 40 to 160, and the score shows the average level is 100. The following indicates the actual IQ ranges.

  • 60 and below is extremely low
  • 70-79 is borderline
  • 80-89 is low average
  • 90-109 is average
  • 110-119 is high average
  • 120-129 is superior
  • 130 and above is very superior

Remember that the score 100 is always the average IQ score and those who score 130 and above are known as gifted people.

Definition of Normal IQ Score

Definition of Normal IQ Score

The normal range of IQ score is 100, which means that people with this score have average cognitive abilities but those with higher IQ levels are more skilled.

Most people have an average IQ between 85 and 115, which means 98% of individuals and only 2% of the population score above this range and are considered to be superior.

Moreover, the average IQ level is a great source for comparing an individual’s intelligence to a wider population.

The Relation Between IQ Scores and University Performance

The Relation Between IQ Scores and University Performance

IQ scores can reliably affect an individual’s academic success in universities; research also suggests that students with higher IQ levels tend to better perform at universities. 

It can be said that students with higher IQ levels are more likely to be accepted in high-ranked universities because it shows their abilities in different eras, which means they can have better performance.

Importance of IQ In University Education

Importance of IQ In University Education

As you may know, IQ tests do not assess every aspect of intelligence or predict individuals’ academic success in the future, but they play an important role in students’ academic lives.

Besides, universities consider many factors before accepting a student, such as motivation, creativity, learning opportunities, etc. So, they use IQ tests as a helpful tool to select more eligible candidates.

Moreover, IQ tests measure memory, problem-solving skills, language abilities, etc., which are important factors in determining candidates’ qualifications for entering universities.

So, IQ can affect students’ university education as it indicates their abilities and convinces high-ranked universities to accept them.

The Average IQ of University Students

The Average IQ of University Students

The average IQ score of all universities is between 110 and 115, but it will change in physics, mathematics, etc. As a result, the average IQ score of university students is 100 to 110.

In addition, other factors, such as the student’s educational background and the quality of their education, can also affect this range.

Note that IQ score is just one aspect that universities consider when accepting students, and other skills and abilities influence the admission process.

Which Universities Have Students With Higher IQ Scores

Which Universities Have Students With Higher IQ Scores

As you know by now, the essential IQ score to be accepted into universities varies, and different factors, such as the country and the university influence it.

Besides, some universities have a more complicated admission process and consider more factors to select students; these universities usually have students with higher IQ scores.

Moreover, authentic institutions have competitive entry requirements and mostly tend to attract intelligent students to increase the average score among all the students.

Finally, universities with complicated majors such as science, technology, engineering, and mathematics absorb students with high IQ levels and cognitive skills.


1- What Is The Average IQ of A PhD Student?

The average IQ score of a Ph.D. student varies based on major and university, but it should be above the normal range, which is almost 100.

2- Which University Majors Need The Highest IQ?

There are no specific majors that require the highest IQ, but fields like mathematics, physics, and philosophy need more cognitive skills and IQ levels than easier fields.

3- What Is The Average IQ Score For Harvard University?

Harvard University doesn’t publicly share the average IQ scores of its students and considers various factors, such as academic achievements, essays, recommendations, and standardized test scores. 


IQ scores can influence the student’s academic life, and the higher their IQ level, the more opportunities to be accepted by top universities, which can change their whole lives.

Note that there is no exact IQ score for entering universities, but the minimum level should be the average score or above, which is more than 100.

Therefore, if you are looking for entering top universities you should be able to pass their IQ tests with a good score to have more chances to be accepted by high-ranked universities.

We hope this article helps you better understand the IQ concept and its relation with the university.

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